There are not many physical pains that can imitate what dental pain feels like. It’s dreadful. Often, people get their decayed teeth extracted, which brings along another less painful but real problem—lower self-confidence.

When you smile and there is a hollow space between the teeth, people notice it. This lowers your confidence, making it more difficult every time to smile among a bunch of people. This is where dental implants come in handy.

Dental Implant

In the simplest of the terms, a dental implant is an implantation of an artificial tooth. The dentist embeds screws as roots to hold the new tooth. This root is made of titanium and ceramic material used to support either a full denture or a crown.

How Much Time Do They Take?

Usually, cosmetic dentistry procedures tend to require several appointments with the dentist. However, that is not always the case. The time a dental implant will take depends on the severity of the case. If your case is stable, you may even get done with your dental implant within a day. Such implants are often referred to as mini implants.

Are They Necessary?

Technically, there is not much harm in living without a single tooth. However, according to American Dental Association, over 5.5 million people in the United Stated opt for this cosmetic dentistry procedure. It offers a lot of benefits like protecting your natural teeth, and keeping them from shifting and losing alignment of your teeth.

Are They Expensive?

Cosmetic dentistry procedures are known to pull a major chunk of your hard-earned money out of your pockets. You can, however, save money on your dental implants by opting for a general dentist. While it is always advised to hire a specialist for such jobs, general dentists can also perform dental implants. The reason why they charge less is that they practice in several areas of dentistry as opposed to an oral surgeon who only works in his or her narrow line of work.

How Big Is a Dental Implant Procedure?

Many people think of dental implants as some major surgical procedure. They might be difficult but since most part of it is a documented procedure, dentists don’t need a lot of time to evaluate the case. Furthermore, since the patient is kept under local anesthesia, he or she doesn’t feel anything, making the job easier for the dentist. In other words, the procedure is not as complex to perform today as it was a few decades ago.

Are There any Long Term Problems?

A common concern among people is whether having an artificial tooth and roots could be harmful to oral health in the long run. Fortunately for many, the opposite is true. Dental implants are a far better alternative to other tooth implants. A dental implant prevents denture-slipping and stimulates the healthy formation of the bone which is beneficial in the long term.


Looking forward to having a dental implant in Minneapolis? Minneapolis Dental has experts in cosmetic dentistry and is keen to offer you the best dental care in town. You can book an appointment with them here.